Best GTD tools and productivity software tips. Life improvement with GTD

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for improve and optimize your life and Getting Things Done (GTD technology / methodology).
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Last GTD news

Lightning strikes faster
Mozilla just released Sunbird and Lightning 0.8, the calendar project of the Mozilla Group. I've been using the combination of Thunderbird, Lightning/Sunbird and a GTD tool called ... for making big strides over the past year. If you're looking for a well-integrated GTD solution
Inbox to Zero Daily
Inbox to Zero Daily April 8th, 2008 I know a lot of us the issue of keeping a clean desk has been a huge problem ... Allen, GTD - Getting Things Done. I do a lot of networking and got tons of business cards
Never Check Your Email First Thing in the...
Never Check Your Email First Thing in the Morning (Regardless of Your Time Zone) Posted in If You Can't Hack It, Try This, Uncategorized with tags Email, GTD on April 9, 2008 by douggeivett This advice comes from Timothy Ferriss, author of The 4-Hour Workweek. The bit
Reply to Lists as tabs!
phousedj (Pro) says: I agree with everyone's point here, though I'd like to direct some advice to mrjjwright.. ... , it's mostly in a GTD style, with one list per project. Definitely not the most space efficient
Stay tuned Microsoft OneNote 2007
Coming soon, I will be reviewing Microsoft OneNote 2007. I have been using a portable version consistently at work and can say that I'm almost getting to the point where I can't do wtihout it. It is adaptable to GTD and 7 Habits, and is very configurable
Best GTD Application?
[ gtd.png]In the past few years, David Allen's Getting Things Done methodology has boosted the productivity of many a convert. The more popular GTD got-especially with the tech crowd-the more desktop and web applications sprung up with the express purpose of managing the GTD process. We've highlighted most of these GTD
What Getting Things Done Has Taught Me
I've been living with Getting Things Done for close to 18 months now ... clearly enough. A key element of the GTD approach is breaking down projects into small (very small ...

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Don't miss David Allen's Productive Talk

In this episode, David and Merlin look at best practices for implementing Getting Things Done. David shares some great advice on firewalling review time and warns us how to avoid the perils of "cruise control."
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